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Dairy farmers to follow

I don’t live on a dairy, but I've visited a few. However, visiting a farm gives you just a snapshot of what being a dairy farmer involves. I wanted to know more, so I started following some dairy farmers on social media. Here’s a list of six dairy farmers I’m following on Facebook and Instagram:

  1.  TDF Honest Farming – Oregon farmer Derrick Josi shares the story of his “girls,” a herd of Jersey cows.  One of the dairy owners of Tillamook cheese, this fourth-generation farmer posts videos sharing life on the dairy. From the cow brush, 3 a.m. feedings, milking, and more, his videos are must-see IGTV.
  2. Dairy Carrie – Fellow boy-mom Carrie Mess was the first dairy farmer I found on social media. Her photos of new calves on their Wisconsin farm drew me in, and her stories have kept me coming back. I especially love her “Humans of Agriculture” posts.
  3. The Farmer’s Wife – Krista Stauffer shares stories from their first-generation dairy farm. Like me, she didn’t grow up on a farm so I can relate to her posts about farming, although they often give me cow-envy.
  4. New Mexico Milkmaid – I have to admit that when I think about dairy farms, New Mexico is one of the last states I would think of. Then I found Tara, a fifth-generation dairy farmer and environmental scientist. She posts a lot about sustainability in dairy farming and all the ways the industry is continuing to improve.
  5. See Jess Farm /Spruce Row Farm – Head over to Instagram to follow See Jess Farm. You’ll find plenty of singing and dairy cows but the best part of her page, in my opinion, is her #SecretsOfAg series, which focuses on mental health. 
  6. Truth or Dairy – This Michigan mom of three boys shares life from her Michigan dairy farm. She’s also a runner and a member of Team Chocolate Milk. When I first saw her running jersey, I did a search and discovered how great chocolate milk is as a recovery drink after exercise.

Are there any dairy farmers you’d recommend that I add to my list?

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