2023澳洲幸运5官网开奖历史、结果官网直播软件 Commodity Prices

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Click on commodity to view all contracts. Data displayed for corn, soybeans, and wheat is for the nearby crop.
Lean Hogs88.125s0.85088.25089.07587.52518,37701/17
Lean Hogs - Apr2388.125s0.85088.25089.07587.52518,37701/17
CME Cotton #20.828s0.0000.8280.8280.828001/18
CME Cotton #2 - Mar230.828s0.0000.8280.8280.828001/18
Live Cattle160.100s-0.800160.900160.900159.45040,22101/17
Live Cattle - Apr23160.100s-0.800160.900160.900159.45040,22101/17
Corn            Mar23684-0-1-2684-2686-2683-413,41401/18
Soybean      Mar231545.0005.2501537.0001548.5001536.00014,96001/18
Wheat          Mar23749-6-2-0749-0752-6747-42,44301/18

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When you mow in a remote area

Tractor Cooler Mount, Sept 2020 AATF When I mow a wooded area a half-mile from my farm, I now have a place to carry needed items with me. I built a small steel shelf that plugs... read more

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