A caretaker of history

For nearly 75 years, Eleanor Arnold has been discovering and documenting the history of the family’s 200 year old Indiana farm. Every farm has a history, but the story of Arnold farm in Rushville, Indiana, is preserved better than most. From letters, diaries, and photos to a saddlebag medicine kit and furniture, the Arnolds believed in saving every slice of their history. For nearly 75 years, Eleanor Arnold has been discovering and documenting the family’s story that spans seven generations.

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Most Recent Poll

To meet my machinery needs in the next year, I’m

holding off on buying and working with what I have
38% (15 votes)
I just want to see the responses
33% (13 votes)
looking online for deals
18% (7 votes)
hitting the auction market
5% (2 votes)
sticking to my dealership
5% (2 votes)
Total votes: 39
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