Welcome to XDGuru! Here’s our first Adobe XD tutorial
Hey guys,
welcome to XDGuru.com! This is my very first post and I am very excited to start this new adventure.
My name is Luca and I am a UI/UX designer based in London.
UI/UX design is not only my job, it’s also one of my biggest passions. Actually I don’t even consider it a job, it’s a hobby which eventually allows me to make some money 🙂
In this blog I would like to share my knowledge with you guys and post tutorials and tips for a new pretty cool piece of software which was launched a few months ago by Adobe: Adobe XD (Experience Design).
At the time of writing this post (August 2016), Adobe XD is still in a free Preview version, and available only for Mac. What we have at the moment is still far away from a fully functional design tool like Sketch, or even Photoshop. Plenty of important features are still missing, and the software is just not yet ready to be used for real projects / real client work.
But we are not that far away: the guys at Adobe are doing a great job listening to the design community (maybe for the first time ever, I dare say), and they are iterating quite fast by releasing new updates on a monthly basis.
So I wouldn’t be surprised if in a couple of months Adobe will manage to release a product which is solid enough to start getting some attention back from those UI/UX designers that in the past couple of years have jumped the Adobe ship in favour of Sketch.
And let’s not forget about 2 other important factors which will surely help in growing its popularity:
1. Adobe XD will also be launched for Windows, something that will probably never happen for Sketch
2. Adobe XD is packing some great Prototyping features which will enable users to design an app and test it right away without the need of external tools like Invision or Marvel, just to name a few.
Once again, there is a lot to improve, but I do see a bright future for this product.
Coming back to our first tutorial, in the video above I am showing you how easy it is to create some cool looking mobile designs for iOS. These are some simple iOS permission screens which you generally see when installing new apps.. often app developers ask your permission to use your GPS location, your camera or to send you push notifications, before showing you the native iOS prompt.
Hope you enjoy this first tutorial, there are many more to come in the near future.
And please I would appreciate some feedback (especially if negative), as this is my very first video and I am sure there is a lot I can do to improve.