Jerry Nelson
Lost in nostalgia
It’s been said that nostalgia isn’t what it used to be. This is true. Thanks to modern technology, nostalgia is better than ever.
The dog days of summer
I never learned to swim, and some say it’s never too late to take lessons. I think Bella should be my swimming instructor, because I bet she would be really good at teaching me the doggy paddle.
Recovering from knee surgery
For both of us, it was scary for me to be put in charge of my wife's recovery. This is because I don’t exactly have a stellar record regarding such things.
A new knee
A serving of Jell-O and a packet of animal crackers made my wife feel like a little girl again, which was fitting because she was on the threshold of a new beginning.
My arts festival experience
At an event like this, interesting experiences and fascinating new people are available at every turn.
A dairy farm bus tour
Between long school bus rides with zero climate control and battling carsickness as a child, you can see why I was wary when I recently participated in a dairy farm bus tour.