Jerry Nelson
Travel travails
Minor inconveniences can seem like major catastrophes when you are hundreds of miles from home. At least that’s how it felt when my wife and I recently journeyed to visit family in Kansas City.
The joys of babysitting
It has been nearly forty years since my wife and I cared for a toddler, but I’m happy to report we still have what it takes. It just takes a lot more of it.
The pumpkin jungle
It took just a few mouse clicks to order blue pumpkins and pumpkins that look as though they have warts upon their warts.
Loco for locomotives
Walking the grounds of the Annual Steam Threshing Jamboree, I heard the distant “toot-toot!” of a locomotive’s steam whistle. I was drawn toward the sound like a fly to an open kitchen door.
Time happens
I’m not going to complain about advancing age. Because like a classic old tractor, I hope to just keep put-putting along.
Creative destruction
Back in May, our farm was ravaged by a powerful derecho, hurling the calf barn at my parents’ farm onto grain bins. A tornado hit a few weeks later, reducing our dairy barn to rubble.