Cassidy Walter

Title: Business Management Editor, Successful Farming
Resides In: Des Moines, Iowa
Hometown: Des Moines, Iowa
Education: University of Iowa
Expertise: Ag markets, ag business news, biofuels
Twitter: @CassidyARWalter


Writes market updates for and covers farm business stories on a range of topics, including carbon capture pipelines, land values, crop insurance, and biofuels. 


Cassidy Walter grew up in the heart of Des Moines, Iowa. Born and raised a ‘city girl,’ Cassidy fell in love with American agriculture in college through writing stories on a variety of agriculture issues for the student newspaper, The Daily Iowan. She enjoyed talking with local farmers and learning about the industry. Cassidy has spent the past five years as the Communications Director for the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association where she worked to support Iowa biofuels producers and farmers. 


• BA in Journalism and Mass Communication and Political Science from the University of Iowa

Articles authored by Cassidy Walter